Izibead - A trusted supplier to schools throughout Southern Africa since 1998.
From humble beginnings:
In order to learn the art of traditional Southern African Beadwork, Gill Steyn (Our author, illustrator & designer) spent many years within the community of the Valley Of 1000 Hills in KZN. Here she was "adopted" by many of the older women who taught her much about our country's local traditions, myths, legends, beadwork, artwork and their respective meanings, much of which is sadly being lost in our modern age. These ancient stories and skills that have traditionally always been passed on around a fire or craft circle, are being replaced by modern technology that is more appealing to the younger generations. Gill, who is herself a highly qualified teacher (M+7), has used her acquired first-hand exposure and learnt knowledge to fulfill her dream of keeping history alive in a fun and interactive way that will impact our learner's lives forever. This is the birthplace of Izibead.
We are a wholesaler and our business model is to not supply the retail industry. This allows us to provide our many great schools timeously and at the most reasonable prices possible. All our products, stories, activities, artworks and more, are designed and created in-house, are our original property, and are protected by local & international copyright laws.
We would love to hear from you
email: info@izibead.co.za
084 258 2233 (Mel)
084 744 6818 (Gill)
061 199 3055 - Whatsapp (Chris)
About Us